Lebanon: A virtual visit
© Mina Djelani
© Mina Djelani

Lebanon: A virtual visit

Lebanon: Revolution, Refugees, Bankruptcy – and now Corona

Are you interested in the politics and society in Lebanon? You have heard about the revolution, the large number of refugees from neighbouring Syria or the looming state bankruptcy, but would like to know more? Do you have questions about the "cedar state" on the tip of your tongue? You agree that there’s no such thing as stupid questions? Then our virtual visit to Lebanon, during which we will put you in touch with local experts and activists, is just the right thing for you.

Over the past ten years, Lebanon has been impressively consistent in its unstable condition. Despite an incompetent and corrupt political elite, financial imbalances, sectarian tensions and the severe effects of the war in Syria, things have remained remarkably calm in the Cedar state.

2019/2020 brought all the more change. In autumn, everything began with the uprising of hundreds of thousands of people protesting against social injustice, economic hardship, the impudence of old politicians and an outdated sectarian system. The collapse of the financial system accelerated parallelly and now the handling of the corona virus, which the decision-makers countered with restrictive measures, adds another layer of insecurity in the country.

In our 90-minute event, we will have a closer look at this incredibly diverse country in which so many different social classes and life designs coexist on a tiny territory.

After our first virtual event, we received a lot of constructive feedback, which we have taken into consideration while conceptualizing a virtual visit to Lebanon. The event will be more diverse in format, ranging from photo galleries, short presentations, clips from Lebanon, to live input by activists. Once again, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions using the chat function via Zoom or Facebook.

The broadcast takes places via Zoom and will be free of charge for you. Under the following link you can register for the event: https://www.alsharq-reise.de/de/anmeldung-virtuelles-event-libanon

Please note: We cannot guarantee participation via Zoom and will additionally broadcast the event live via Facebook. You can find all information about the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/308150696822758/


07:15 pm: Start of the live stream. Until the official start of the event, you can enjoy visual impressions of our past Lebanon trips.

07:30 pm: Welcome by our host Christoph Dinkelaker, who has lived in Lebanon for many years and most recently until January 2020

07:35 pm: Short introduction on politics, society and the recent history of Lebanon by our host Christoph Dinkelaker.

07:50 pm: Live connection to Beirut: Political scientist Ginan Osman, who has accompanied the protests of the last five months, will give us a personal insight into the revolution and life in times of Corona. Afterwards we will ask her the questions you send in.

08:15 pm: Short video about everyday life in times of corona in Beirut, compiled by Beirut-based student, Alsharq tour guide and Dis:orient member Johanna Luther

08:20 pm: Live connection to Beirut: How did the economic collapse in Lebanon come about? Input from Nizar Hassan, political organizer and renowned Lebanese podcaster

08:45 pm: Live connection to a doctor in the Bekaa plain: Input on the situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon

09:10 pm: Closing remarks and announcements

Hard Facts:

Language: English

Moderation: Christoph Dinkelaker

An event organised by Alsharq REISE and Dis:orient e.V.


19:15 bis 21:00