Die aktuelle Ausgabe des "Outpost" zum Thema "The Possibilities of Our Bodies"
Ibrahim Nehme will die Revolution. Ganz ohne Straßenproteste oder Megaphon. Mit seinem panarabischen Independent-Magazin „The Outpost“ hinterfragt der Libanese starre Gesellschaftsstrukturen im Nahen Osten – und will seine Leser animieren, etwas...
Another big demonstration is planned for today - Photo: Indian Express (CC)
#YouStink! – it all began with posts, videos and articles on social media, angrily criticizing the Lebanese government for a complete deadlock with regard to the waste management crisis. But then the movement quickly grew into Lebanon’s biggest wave...
In action - Amir, one of the organizers of the YouStink-movement, waving the Lebanese flag. Photo: Private.
In protest of the trash that has been pilling up all over Lebanon since July, a group of young people have started a movement called # YouStink (in Arabic: tolhet rehetkom ). The movement has since spurred a big wave of demonstrations. Inass al-...