Flucht aus dem Libanon - Eine neue Mail

Due to the escalating violence against Lebanon, my mother and sister could not handle it so we decided to flee to Syria. We were able to find a route to the Syrian border that was not destroyed by Israeli rockets. So now we are staying at my aunts house in Damascus.

Our school in Lebanon currently has 220 refugees from a nearby village just a bit south of ours. Humanitarian aid is unable to reach them, medical supplies, food and basic human needs are running out in the bekaa valley and nothing can reach them because most roads are now completely destroyed in Lebanon. More than 70, 000 refugees have now reached the central and northern parts of Lebanon and up to 1.2 million are expected within this week. Lebanon could be seeing the worst human caused disaster in modern times. Please please try to help in some way. Israel is not being humane AT ALL. They have destroyed several vehicles attempting to provide medical help and supplies.

Be public: if you can join any protests in your area for peace please do so
Pray pray pray. If you can also get your churches to pray please do.

My dad and I will be returning to Lebanon as soon as we can to help the refugees in our school. Currently Israeli warplanes are not allowing any traffic from Syria to Lebanon fearing that it could be weapons to Hezbollah (or at least that's how they justify it infront of the UN). As soon as we know it is safe to go back we will.

Many of our friends have already written to their governments asking them to speak out against this totally inhumane war. If you are able to do that, it would be greatly appreciated.


Die erste Mail von George, die er uns zu Beginn des Krieges schickte, kann man hier nachlesen.